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Who We Are

is not for profit registered entity with limited guarantees. The Institute is registered as a Not for Profit entity with limited guarantees. The activities of the Institute will be directed towards community agricultural skills enhancement, issues of chronic Poverty, Food Insecurity, Sustainable Development, Biodiversity Conservation, Environment Protection and Climate Change Mitigation, Adoption and Adaptation..

Our Vision

To teach practical agricultural knowledge for poverty reduction and sustainable development.


Our Mission

To carry out a comprehensive scientific integration, promotion, dissemination, and utilization of agricultural technologies and innovations for wealth creation to the rural women and youths in a post-war conflict in northern Uganda.

Name:               Prof.  Jack H. Pen-Mogi NYEKO

Sex:                   Male

Address:           Gulu University, P.O. Box 166, GULU

Official              Mobile 256-772-586008

  Email address:,

  P.O Box 40319, Kampala, UGANDA

  P.O Box 1432, Gulu, Uganda


Date of birth p           Born 12-5-1948

Martial:                       Married with 5 children

Nationality:              Ugandan

Profession:               Veterinary Scientist (Specialization:  Molecular Parasitology)


Qualifications:B.V.M; (Makerere University, 1975)

                        M.Sc, (Nairobi University, (1981)

                        Ph.D. (MUK/ARPPIS/ICIPE Nairobi, (1988)


Fellowship:    Fellow of Uganda National Academy of Sciences (FUNAS, 2003)

 Memberships:    Uganda Veterinary Association

·         Kenya Veterinary Association

·         Association of African Insect Scientists

·         East African Society of Parasitologists

·         African Academy of Science

·         Uganda National Academy of Sciences




2001 – 2017: Founder Vice Chancellor of Gulu University in June 2001.

Responsible for academic, administrative and financial affairs of the University. National and International Public relations with other universities and donor agencies. Fundraising for the University, creating linkages and partnerships globally.


2012- 2017: Chairman of Council, National Council for Higher Education (Presidential appointment)


2013 – 2016: Chairman of Board, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) (Ministerial appointment)


2003-2017:    Board Member, Inter-University Council of East Africa: I was a member of Human Resource Committee of council for 4 years.


2002 -2017:  Board Member, Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB). Chair of Audit Committee


1996-2001     Member of Parliament, Kilak County, Gulu District.

Committee of Agriculture, Member Select committee that investigated the Valley Dam; Member select committee on the purchase of military wares, food, pensions and salaries of soldiers.


1995-1998:    Board Member, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).  Approve budgets and policies on environment, appoint, promote, remove and discipline all officers of NEMA. Approve condition of service.


1996-2006: Council Member, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST).  Discuss and approve policies of the Council including staff discipline and condition of service.


My current research interests are in sustainable development, poverty reduction in the rural communities, energy conservation, environmental protection and Institutional development. I have worked with people displaced in camps in Gulu and refugees in Uganda. I was contracted by FAO to train South Sudan refugees in northern Uganda with basic agricultural skills.



Student's Demonstration Horticultural Crops activities.

Tomatoes garden

Cabbages grown by former students of the Institute

Onion crops


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Contact Us

Physical Address
P.O. Box 4132 GULU
Tel: +256-772-586008

The Institute is locate
on Plots 8 & 10, Philip
Ojok Road leading towards
St. Mourintz

All Right Reserved: © Institute of Agricultural Knowledge For Practice 2025